Alex Yee: London Marathon 2025 Debut
COROS Athlete, Olympic Gold Winner and World Triathlon Champion, Alex Yee is set to take on the TCS London Marathon in April, 2025.
To celebrate this exciting announcement, we spoke to the man himself, to find out all about his decision to compete on home turf in his first ever World Marathon Major.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking the time to chat. We can't wait for you to take on the London marathon next year! How do you make the switch from triathlon to marathon running? How does your daily training change now?
While my training week will still be structured similar, there will be a conscious shift to run more volume and do longer marathon specific sessions. I will continue to swim and ride as this will form part of my aerobic base work. I’m not entirely sure as having never done it before the training will likely evolve as we go and see how I adapt but I’m excited to see what it entails!
Which features on your COROS watch do you use for your tri training?
Before working with COROS, tracking training outside of my watch wasn’t something I really did, but as I’m learning more and more about the functionality and the Training Hub, I’ve started to trial it more with open-water swimming, analysing my distance, speed and stroke rate. It’s been really quite interesting. Of course, now having the DURA helps complete the picture for triathlon and allows me to see data during bike sessions and in races.
Which marathon-specific features on your COROS watch do you currently use?
For running I tend to focus on my pace, HR and of course distance, so I imagine these will be similar for the marathon if not more of a focus on HR to make sure I’m staying in the right zone when training.
What are the top 3 features on your COROS watch you can't live without?
My top three features have to be how light it is, for me, that was one of the first things that I was surprised by. The next thing has to be the battery life, as someone who can be a little badly organised at times, having a battery life that lasts makes things so much simpler. Third is the Training Hub, for me and my coach, being able to analyse stuff is particularly important. To see what I’ve done and what the watch has tracked, I think it’s been really beneficial.
How do you use your COROS watch for your training plans? What time are you aiming for in London?
My coach and I have a really connected relationship and although he has a grand plan, we have to react depending on what comes up. For example, Jury duty ahead of the Grand Final meant we took things day by day, so things moved around a little bit!
No commitment to a time right now, lets see how my training goes!*
*Ahead of his debut marathon, and at the end of his season break, Alex’s COROS PACE Pro Watch Race Predictor estimates a 2:13 marathon time, (to note, this data is taken prior to any specific marathon block training).
What makes the London Marathon special?
London for me was a no-brainer. As a place that has given me so much as a child, I remember racing the mini-marathon multiple times, and it was one of my biggest and most exciting races of the year. With London Marathon Day being such a big part of my life growing up, I’d love to come back and race well here. The marathon has always been an itch I’ve wanted to scratch and there wasn’t another place I wanted to start that journey.
What's your motivation to switch disciplines?
I’m not switching full-time, triathlon is still my focus long-term, it’s just going to be fun mixing things up for a season!
Thanks Alex! We'd like to wish you the best of luck for your marathon training and race day!
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COROS Wearables, makers of GPS sports watches, is a performance sports technology company that helps athletes train to be their best. For COROS, it starts with the outdoors, mountains, and a passion for an active lifestyle.
We combine high-grade hardware with innovative technology to provide endurance athletes with the gear they rely on in the world’s most extreme environments. Advanced technology with an intuitive user experience is at our core. When you use a COROS product, you know you are getting a tool that has been designed, tested, and perfected for the athlete, by the athlete. COROS users have set World Records and been to the highest point on earth, pushing our products to the extremes. At COROS, creation and innovation are never-ending.
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