
Speed and Strength Exercises for a Fast Run

Speed and strength training exercises are super important for runners. They improve your neuromuscular fitness, helping you maintain good running form and resist fatigue, and they also help to improve your running economy by encouraging stride efficiency.

The following workout has been devised by Nike trainer and fitness instructor Kim Ngo to complement your weekly running routine, designed especially to improve your speed and strength by focusing on explosive muscle power.



When most people think of plyometrics they think of sweaty jumping exercises in a bootcamp style class. However, as runners we can use jumping exercises more specifically to make our runs faster, more powerful and protect us from injury.

The workout below focuses first on force absorption by asking you to land well before instantly going into the next jump (specifically the broad jumps, jumping lunges and skaters). Once you are able to land and absorb the impact appropriately the workout can then be progressed to minimizing contact time with the ground between each jump.

Remember: A good dynamic warm up is essential, to ensure you gain maximum benefits from these drills.

POGO Jump31560-90 sec
Broad Jumps5590 sec
Jumping lunge31090 sec
Single leg Deadlift to high knee35 each leg60-90 sec
Skaters31090 sec
Mountain climbers330 sec60 sec


  • 3 sets - 15 reps

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip width apart
  2. Jump up while keeping your legs straight with a minimal bend at your knees
  3. Land on the balls of your feet, don’t let your heels touch the ground and keep your toes up as you jump
  4. As you jump up move forwards
  5. Repeat until you have completed 15 reps, then take a 60-90 second rest
  6. Repeat for 2 more sets




  • 5 sets - 5 reps

  • 90 sec recovery after each set

  1. Start by standing tall with your feet hip width apart
  2. Bend your knees, sit your hips back and take your arms back behind you
  3. Then in one motion jump your feet forward as far as you can using your arms to help you by swinging them forward at the same time
  4. Land with both feet on the floor shoulder width apart, with chest up and both knees and hips bent
  5. Repeat until you have completed 5 reps
  6. Rest for 90 seconds and then repeat for 4 more sets
  7. To advance this exercise minimize the contact time you have with the ground between each jump




  • 3 sets - 10 reps

  1. Start in lunge position with one foot in front flat on the floor and the other foot behind balancing on its toes with both knees bent
  2. Jump up as high as you can and while in mid-air reverse the positions of the legs and land
  3. This is one rep, repeat 10 times
  4. Rest for 90 seconds and then repeat for 2 further sets
  5. To advance this exercise minimize the contact time you have with the ground between each jump





  • 3 sets - 5 each leg

  1. Standing tall with your right foot on the floor, hinge at your hips, bend your right knee and reach your left hand down to your right leg while extending your left leg behind you in line with your back
  2. Keep your spine neutral while you do this by keeping your chest open
  3. As you stand up bend your left knee and jump your right foot off of the ground while driving your knee towards your chest
  4. Repeat on this leg for 5 reps and then move onto the other leg
  5. Rest for 90 seconds and then repeat for 2 more sets




  • 3 sets - 10 reps

  1. Start in a half squat position with your chest up and shoulders back
  2. Jump sideways to the right and land on your right foot.
  3. Bring your left leg behind you towards the right but try and not let your left foot touch the floor Repeat on the other side
  4. This is one rep, repeat 10 times and then rest for 90 seconds before taking on the next set
  5. To advance this exercise minimize the contact time you have with the ground between each jump







  • 3 sets - 30 secs

  1. Start in a plank position with your arm straight, hands directly underneath your shoulders and your legs extended behind you with your toes on the ground
  2. Engage your core and avoid arching your back
  3. Bring your right knee in towards your mid-section by flexing at your hips and knees
  4. Explosively reverse the positions of your legs bringing your left knee in towards your mid-section and extending your right leg out so that it is supported by the toe
  5. Repeat this for 30 seconds, rest for 60 seconds and then repeat for 2 more sets


About Kim Ngo: Kim is a qualified personal trainer, fitness instructor and Nike trainer born and raised in East London. After a short spells working in the corporate world, Kim found her true passion for fitness through her love of food. Along with two friends who shared these passions, they co-founded Food & Lycra – a platform to inspire girls and women to move more, live a healthier lifestyle and remove the barriers women face with fitness.

Shop Kim’s look: www.sportsshoes.com/nike/

Follow Kim on Instagram: @kimmayco

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Find your fast with the new Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38, with extra bounce for long, short or everyday runs. It’s cool and breathable with a wider fit at the toes and plenty of cushioned support to help you fly past your personal goals. Bold colours nod to the world coming together to celebrate sport.


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