Black Diamond Hotwire Quickdraw
This light, versatile draw features the newly updated HotWire wiregate carabiners which employ a hot-forged design for lighter-weight construction and a larger rope-bearing surface for greater durability on both the carabiner and your rope.
Designed to be lightweight and smooth, the Black Diamond Hotwire Quickdraw has been constructed using two HotWire wiregate carabiners. The Hotwire wiregate boast a larger rope-bearing surface for greater durability on both the carabiner and your rope. Combined with a hot-forged construction, the quickdraw is as lightweight as possible whilst remaining highly durable. The construction eliminates snags whether you're cranking on sport routes or extending gear placements. Dual wire gates reduce the chance of gate flutter to ensure complete peace of mind on large descents. The gates allow the rope to smoothly move through the carabiner to reduce vibrations. Lastly, an 18 mm Polyester Dogbone with Straitjacket ensures optimal clipping positioning whilst remaining lightweight and durable.