3 Exercises to Improve your Trail Technique
Twists and turns, steep hill climbs and rough terrain mean that trail running presents different demands on the body when compared to pounding the pavements. Strength work can help runners tackle the challenge of the trails by building strength, stability, power and coordination. Here are three sure-fire exercises to boost your trail running technique:
Great for: Replicating your movement on the trail and generating power from one leg at a time - as opposed to two planted feet. Working the hips, hamstrings, quads, glutes and calves, the single leg squat helps build strength and speed as well as activating smaller lateral muscle groups. This helps to reduce the risk of injury and enhance balance and stability.
How to do it:
Balancing on one foot, extend the opposite leg in front of you.
Keeping the core engaged, begin lowering into a squat while maintaining a straight back.
Keep arms outstretched in front of the body.
Build to 8-12 times on one leg, and then repeat on the other side.
Great for: Building power and stability. Working the glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves, this movement builds lower body strength and power, while enhancing dynamic stability and balance. It’s also a great cardiovascular workout.
How to do it:
Stand in lunge position with equal weight on both legs.
Push off both feet into a jump, switching the position of your feet in mid-air, landing in a basic lunge position
Repeat, alternating whichever leg is in front
Build to reps of 20 x 3
Great for: Explosive power and building hill strength. This move replicates the power needed to tackle steep inclines and long hills. Training each leg independently, step ups condition the quads, glutes and hamstrings while also developing hip stability, symmetry and balance.
How to do it:
Stand in front of a knee height bench or box
Lift your right leg and plant onto the box, lifting yourself onto the box.
Lower the left leg down to floor.
Build to 20 reps on each leg
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